World Meditation Day

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj


Today, we celebrate World Meditation Day, and the many benefits that it offers. Let us explore the personal transformation that can come about through meditation.

By meditating, we discover the Light of God shining within each of us. Contact with the inner Light brings about a profound transformation. We are bathed in love. We realize the same Light that is within us is in every human being and each living creature. We recognize that we are all souls, drops of the one Creator. We see all creation knit together in the silken bonds of love. We start to treat all humanity as members of one family and begin to love, respect, and serve one another. We want to eliminate the pain and suffering in the lives of others for we realize that the pain of others is our pain and the joy of others is our joy.

Through meditation, we discover peace and happiness, and we begin to live our lives in a state of calm and equipoise, radiating that peace to others. We will no longer have to pray for peace—we will be peace. Meditation elevates us to achieve an angle of vision in which we become a witness to the unity in the fabric of life. We look upon the world as an embroidered whole. All life may appear like a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes but, in reality, the texture is the same: the texture of spiritual love.

As we find peace within ourselves, we then contribute to outer peace in the world.

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A szerzőről Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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