Science of Spirituality (SOS)
Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission (SKRM)
Free Checkup & Cataract Surgeries Eye Camp

Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission Meets the Challenge
Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission (SKRM)/Science of Spirituality (SOS) has adopted the noble cause of eliminating preventable blindness due to cataracts. Twice a year, under the guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, world-renowned spiritual Master and head of SKRM/SOS, the organization sets up a Free Eye Checkup and Cataract Surgery Camp to restore vision among individuals especially in underserved communities living in Delhi and its neighboring regions who could otherwise not afford this cost-prohibitive surgery. The organization has partnered with I-CARE Hospital in Noida on this effort. All services at the camp, including the surgery are provided free of cost to all patients in need – made possible through the generous donation of time, talent and supplies spanning two continents.
15 – 22 September, 2024
Large-scale efforts to make people aware of 39th Free Eye Checkup and Cataract Surgery Camp.
Science of Spirituality/Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission (SOS/SKRM) took all necessary steps to spread awareness about the 39th Free Eye Checkup and Cataract Surgery Camp on September 15, 2024 in New Delhi, India.
The endeavor is part of the selfless service activities undertaken by the spiritual, non-profit organisation that aims to help people through meditation, inner peace and selfless service. This year, the volunteers worked tirelessly to help spread the word through the mission’s various zonal centers across the country.
Posters, banners and billboards (see below) with complete information on the Eye Checkup and Cataract Surgery camp were circulated/ put up through various social media channels and were also put up at the zonal centers.
Announcements were also made at various SOS/SKRM Centers to make maximum people aware of the Eye Camp wherein volunteers doctors from the United States join hands with physicians from state-of-the-art ICARE Hospital in Noida, to perform free surgeries on patients.
Over the years, SOS/SKRM has helped bring the gift of sight to more than 17,000 people.

February 2024
The 38th Free Eye Checkup and Cataract Surgery Camp was held at Kirpal Bagh in Delhi, India, from February 4 to 11. A total of 1875 people were screened of which 860 were operated upon after being deemed eligible for surgeries.
The camp coincided with the 35th International Human Unity Conference, an annual conference convened by SKRM, dedicated to human unity and integration.

Behind the Scenes
Preparation for the camp begins months in advance, with SKRM volunteers spreading the word in neighboring states. Days before the camp, volunteers set up the physical infrastructure for the camp to receive the thousands that are expected. Over a hundred volunteers work around the clock to register, screen, and triage patients on the first few days of the camp. Patients who meet eligibility criteria for surgery are housed on the grounds of Kirpal Bagh, and receive three meals a day prepared lovingly by SKRM volunteers working in the large kitchen (langar) of Kirpal Bagh. Those not meeting the guidelines for surgery are triaged appropriately. Patients scheduled for surgery are then transported by volunteers on buses to the hospital. The delicate cataract removal surgeries are conducted by volunteer eye surgeons from the US, working shoulder to shoulder with the talented doctors and staff at I-CARE Hospital in Noida, the venue of the surgeries. Since the inception of this camp, I-CARE Hospital has generously donated its operating theatres and space for this noble cause. Behind the successful execution of the camp each year is a large, well-oiled machine with multiple moving parts, overseen meticulously by a dedicated team of administrative volunteers within the SKRM/SOS organization.

Complete Health Care Services
The 38th Eye camp’s opening day saw several hundred patients gather at the Kirpal Bagh grounds. Trained medical professionals along with many volunteers from SKRM performed a thorough screening and check-up to help identify the patients deemed eligible for cataract-removal surgery. During the week-long camp, SOS/SKRM ensured complete care for the patients, providing complimentary stay, meals, transportation, reading glasses and all other essential amenities for the patients and their caretakers.
“Out of all our senses, the inability to see is likely one the most limiting. Cataracts cause a decrease in vision that can result in decreased quality of living. It is very humbling to perform surgeries on those less fortunate and help restore their vision. We are so grateful to our colleagues at I-CARE Hospital for their generosity and long-term collaborative partnership in this effort,” said one of the volunteer eye surgeons from the US, who along with the highly skilled team of doctors from the I-CARE Eye Hospital, spent countless hours operating on patients daily.
Patients expressed joy and relief in equal measure as many led a life of discomfort and dependency for years. One of the patients, a 72-year-old farmer from the Moradabad District in Uttar Pradesh, described how the surgery brought a significant change in his life. “I have been experiencing blurred vision and watery eyes for a long time. It affected my livelihood as I was unable to see things clearly at the farm and was unable to tend to the crops properly. This in turn, affected my family as we are a large family with six children. SOS/SKRM’s eye camp came as a boon. My village head informed me of this free Eye Camp, and I decided to visit. I feel extremely grateful to regain my vision which will help in every aspect of life. It has been a great experience,” the septuagenarian said.
Several other patients expressed gratitude for the life-changing surgeries which will help them return to a life of independence and perform day-to-day tasks in an effective manner.
The Heart of the Matter
At the heart of this well-oiled machine that brings the gift of sight to many is a shared and enduring spirit of service to humanity. Selfless service, wherein service is rendered lovingly, joyously and quietly without any expectation of personal gain, is a core tenet on the path of spirituality as taught by spiritual Master Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. He teaches how we are all recipients of God’s bounty. It is incumbent upon us to be grateful for this bounty and to share it with others around us. As reiterated in his message at the 35th International Human Unity Conference, we are all children of one family of God. We must learn to embrace our oneness and seek every opportunity to serve our fellow beings and alleviate their suffering. In doing so, we shine our Light on the world and make it a better place.
Driven by this innate desire to serve, since the inception of the free eye camp, SKRM/SOS volunteers have touched the lives of almost 17,000 individuals. “It’s an honor to be a part of such an organization that has a long-term mission
to help the needy attain better sight which leads to more independence in their lives,” said one of the volunteer surgeons from the US, who give of themselves lovingly and dedicatedly for the noble cause. “It is very satisfying to help people who have lost many things that we take for granted – being able to see our kids or grandkids, do our daily tasks like cooking or eating or working, which the cataract makes more difficult or impossible,” said another physician.
The 39th eye camp is scheduled for September 14-22, 2024. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for latest updates.

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Science of Spirituality
Science of Spirituality is a worldwide, spiritual organization dedicated to transforming lives, under the guidance of renowned spiritual Master Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
Science of Spirituality presents spirituality as a science that can be practiced by people of all backgrounds and faiths.

A short excerpt from a talk by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj on Selfless Service.
“By serving selflessly, we expand our hearts from our own self to our family, to the community, our country, the world, and ultimately to the cosmos.”