Celebrate Labor Day with Meditation

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj


Labor Day, celebrated in America on the first Monday in September, is a day to honor workers who contribute to society. The day is celebrated as a holiday with various festivities and as a day of rest. Giving most people a day off, it provides a good chance to rejuvenate ourselves.

One of the best ways to relax and refresh ourselves is through meditation. Sitting in silence and focusing on the treasures within provides inner festivities which bring benefits to our body, mind, and soul.

While there are outer parades on Labor Day, meditation provides us some time to enjoy the inner parades of Lights and Music within. These are not just visual and auditory experiences, but this contact with the inner Light and Sound brings peace, happiness, and bliss.

The inner joy they provide is so fulfilling that we carry it with us throughout the rest of our day when we engage in daily activities. Meditation makes us so peaceful and calm that we spread that to others wherever we go.

As we celebrate Labor Day without, we can also enjoy celebrating Labor Day within, by sitting in meditation for some time. Then, this holiday will refresh us inside and out.

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