Celebrate Thanksgiving
Through Meditation

By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude. It is time to show thanks for all the blessings and gifts we received. How best can we show gratitude for what God showers on our lives? One way we can show our thankfulness is through meditation. Why?

Meditation is a time of sitting in silence in which we connect with the Divine within. In those moments of inner connection, we can express through our heart our gratefulness for all we have received.

Although throughout the year we may focus on what we do not have, Thanksgiving is a time to remember all the good that has happened to us. We can be grateful that we have been given this human birth, an opportunity to realize our self and know the Divine. Throughout our lives we have benefitted physically, mentally, and spiritually. If we make a list of all the good we have, we will find there is much for which we can be grateful.

On this Thanksgiving holiday, we can spend some time in meditation, focus on the Divine within, and can express gratitude for what we have been given.

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A szerzőről Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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