Goals of Veggie Fest

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj


August 6, 2019

People are searching for ways to be proactive and take preventive measures to stay healthy. Doctors and researchers have been promoting a vegetarian diet and meditation as two ways to cut the risk of certain diseases and maintain optimum health. One of the goals of Veggie Fest Chicago 2019 in Lisle, Illinois, is to share the latest findings of scientific and medical research on how we can stay healthy.

By eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, doctors claim we can cut our risk for many diseases. To stay healthy or speed recovery, they also promote meditation to reduce stress-related illnesses.

As a way to promote community awareness of the value of vegetarianism and meditation, this weekend, August 10-11, 2019, one of the largest vegetarian fairs in North America, called Veggie Fest, will provide tips and strategies to maintain health. Veggie Fest is designed to increase awareness of the benefits of a vegetarian diet. Tens of thousands who attended previous Veggie Fests show the changes in attitudes regarding diet and health. Years ago, to many, vegetarianism meant one could get only a salad and grilled cheese sandwich in a restaurant. Now, we find growing number of vegetarian options in restaurants and even traditional food supermarkets due to demand for healthier foods.

At Veggie Fest numerous talks by doctors, medical researchers, psychologists, and health care professionals will focus on the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of a vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian cooking demonstrations, informational booths on healthy living, and a food court offering international vegetarian dishes provide a wealth of resources to promote family wellness.

Talks and demonstrations also focus on the benefits of meditation towards improving the health of body, mind, and spirit. While a vegetarian diet helps us focus on the physical and mental wellness, meditation helps us focus on all three aspects—physical, mental, and spiritual health. A healthy lifestyle means a balance of developing all these three aspects of our lives.

I hope that all who attend Veggie Fest will gain more awareness of the value of vegetarianism and meditation for optimum health.

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