Father’s Day

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

I wish all the fathers of the world a happy Father’s Day. It is a day in which we give special honor and gratitude to our fathers. The celebration of Father’s Day is a broad one that encompasses celebrating those who are fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers. It is a day in which we give special honor and gratitude to our fathers.

Sant Rajinder Singh meditationOn this day we can look back and remember warmly all the gifts we have received from our fathers and show our gratitude for their love and generosity.

As we think about honoring our fathers, let us also think about honoring our Universal Father and Mother, God, who created our fathers. The best way to do this is to remember and be thankful for the gifts we have received.

The second is to live up to the noble purpose for which we were created – to become true human beings, to love one another, to serve one another and to find our way back to God. If we can lead our lives in this manner, God will then embrace us as true sons and daughters.

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