Return of Spring

By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

While spring means the rejuvenation of greenery and flowers, it also symbolizes spiritual renewal. As the darkness of the outer winter is replaced by the light of the spring, so can we end the dark night of the soul with the Light of spirituality within us. As we focus on the outer chores of life, few take the time to explore the spiritual garden of their soul.

There is joy and bliss abounding within us, but we remain in darkness to its existence. Like the fertile ground is covered by the snows of winter, so is the rich soil of our soul covered by our lack of knowledge of its existence. Just as the vernal equinox is the day on which there are equal hours of sunlight and darkness, with sunrise at 7 a.m. and sunset at 7 p.m., so do we have the vernal equinox of our soul. This is a state of balance. It means that while we live in the world attending to our responsibilities to our families, jobs, and community, we also need to give equal attention to our soul and our spiritual growth. How can we achieve this?


Meditation is a way to bring about the spring equinox of our soul. By spending some time sitting in silence and inverting our attention within we can enjoy the blooming spiritual flowers within our soul. We can tap into an eternal state of joy and peace within us. By doing so, we not only enrich our inner life, but we bring that happiness and calm with us as we attend to our daily duties. We are more effective in our outer work, while being more loving and caring to the people we meet. This brings a joyful atmosphere to all who meet us.

Through meditation on the inner Light and Sound we can tap into the peace and bliss of the eternal springtime within us. We then carry the fragrance of those blooming flowers with us in our outer life, bringing joy and peace to the world.

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A szerzőről Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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