Trust in God

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

The beauty of God’s unseen hand is that sometimes we actively pray for help and receive it. But there are many times when we do not even ask for help, and help comes anyway. These times are reminders to us that we are not alone. We realize that God has been with us all along, watching us and guiding us.


God knows when we are in trouble and need help. Just like a parent is always on guard to protect the sleeping child, so does God watch all of us. Unasked for, help from God comes to us.

As we walk through the byways of life sometimes feeling discouraged that we are alone, we should recall how God is always with us. God’s arms are always surrounding us, helping us with the high notes and low notes of life. We should be grateful to God for that unseen presence protecting and guiding us. Next time we feel helpless and alone, we should remember that God’s arms are around us, surrounding us, loving us, and protecting us.

One way that we can be sure of God’s presence is to sit in meditation to find God within. As we go within, we will experience God’s love for ourselves. Then, we will be able to face life’s challenges fearlessly. Let us put all our repose in God and face life knowing that we are in God’s loving arms.

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