The Oneness of All Life 

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

When we experience the Light of God within us through meditation, we also see the same Light in all people and all life forms. We realize that each person is valuable, being made by God, and carrying God within them.

Just as astronauts look down and see the beautiful gem of planet Earth floating in space and realize the unity of all life, so do we witness the Light of God in all. This makes us recognize all life as one human family.



True spiritual development comes when we realize that we are all one. With that realization, we no longer feel superior to others. We stop feeling that we are special and that all others are inferior. We reach a state in which we recognize that all are important.

With this elevated vision, we then develop love and respect for all life. We care about others and do not want to see anyone in pain. We become loving, selfless human beings committed to helping others. If each person awakened to the oneness of all life, there would be peace and happiness on the planet.

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