Veggie Fest 2019 is a Resounding Success

Veggie Fest 2019 saw 45,000 visitors on the grounds of the Danada South Park, enjoying all that the festival has to offer. From the talks on healthy living to the cooking demos, from the meditation and vegetarian challenges to the international food court, the festival offered something for everyone!
The highlight of both days, however, was the keynote address by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. On Day One, the spiritual Master gave a talk entitled “Healthy Living through Meditation,” focusing on the need to heal our spirit if we are to heal our body, mind and emotions. On Day Two, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj spoke of the inner spa and sanctuary that we carry within ourselves, that can be experienced as go we go within through meditation.
Noted physician and international speaker Dr Kunwarjit Singh Duggal gave an informative talk on the healing power of a vegetarian diet. Dr. Neal Barnard spoke of how food is the most powerful tool we have for health. John Salley, a four-time NBA champion, spoke of how a plant-based diet helps us recover faster from injury. Thousands participated in the Meditation and Vegetarian Challenges, a testament to the increasing numbers interested in leading more meaningful and fulfilled lives.
As its popularity continues to grow, this two-day, fun-filled, family-friendly festival, whose host and inaugural sponsor is the Science of Spirituality, has continued to garner the support of a growing list of corporate and nonprofit sponsors that share the message and ethos of the festival. This year’s sponsors included Nature’s Path, AMITA Health, Manna Kitchen, Boxed Water, Beyond Meat, Daiya, Lightlife, and Field Roast.
For more coverage on Veggie Fest 2019, visit